Devasa Çözümler


Modern Web Design

Web design developments are moving towards an exciting stage. In addition to the fact that modern web design is more functional today, it can also be used in a compatible state with mobile communication tools. More importantly, it provides opportunities for the opportunities you offer via the Internet. Web design trends Check whether your website needs updating.
The difference between a great website and a Decrepit website is very simple: the good one will always bring you customers and revenue, while the bad one will miss them.

A good website is not just a nice-looking design; it also needs to have good content for its visitors and a good service that will respond to their demands. In addition to being established to provide income, modern Web design is also related to providing the desired content to your target audience during their visits from mobile communication tools.

Modern Web Design
Designing your website correctly means creating the main line of your sales and marketing. The Internet is the point where communication with customers begins and ends in the modern world. Therefore, every company that does not consider existence in the digital world as a priority is doomed to be left behind today.

Important Content
The content of your website should first of all have a user-friendly interface. If your visitor does not find what he is looking for, or loses interest, he will leave this website immediately and maybe never come back.

You should use a user-friendly interactive way to present your products or services, create your company's identity, and present your mission and vision.

If your business covers blogging, news publishing, production, public service, brokerage service, B2C, B2B, online store and many other areas, how you present yourself in the digital environment is becoming more and more important day by day.

Clean & Easy Jul
Redirection is at least as critical as content. Can your potential customer find the content he is looking for?

The content can always be found and should be presented with a minimal and clean user interface in line with today's standards Jul.

In this direction, you can choose a fixed navigation bar for micro-interactions, a minimal data graph, and a hidden menu so that you can store it all in a layout. You can even try using the ghost buttons, which float over the visuals and create a fairly light feeling on the surface. Remember how little and concise sometimes being is the most effective way of communication.

Mobile Friendly
Up to 60% of all web traffic comes from mobile customers. That's why it's no longer even a matter of discussion whether your website will be mobile-friendly or not; having a mobile-friendly website has become a necessity nowadays.

Being mobile friendly means that your website is accessible to all mobile devices and tablets as well as desktop computers.

Images and content should be designed by grid-based designs. These should work fluidly and be compatible with all kinds of platforms, from PCs to tablets and mobile phones. Remember, you may also have to make it compatible with watches and 4K-TVs in the near future.

Typography and full width
Sometimes a great photo can reflect all that is wanted to be told better than words. That's why you can try designs that provide full width and leave a space to breathe.

Play with the font, but don't forget to be minimalist. Typography is a great tool for reflecting an idea with style. At first glance, it may not be interesting to encounter too much information, so you should try to keep everything balanced.

So how about trying a striking style written in dark color on a great visual? For example, other websites use cards that can be easily adjusted for a dynamic design.

Moving storytelling and flat design elements are equally effective for the directing style.

Before you start a content search as you want, all you need to do is just keep scrolling. In addition to finding your own unique way, instead of searching and clicking on the content as you want, you just need to do the scrolling process that you need.

If you don't get along well with storytelling, you can choose a dynamic background with rich animations such as video recording/image instead of scrolling from start to finish. Both of them are able to fully reflect the thought, you just need to choose what you want.

Interface & Parallax
Parallax is a great example of modern design, where visuals and content move in the background. The parallax design creates an illusion of depth in the 2D scene, and an eclipse is added by sliding two different layers on the screen.

This way works for single-page designs that have the difficulty of fitting all the information on just one page. That's why you need to simplify your content for a cleaner image and easy redirection.Jul.

Website services
"Design is not just how it looks and feels. Design is how it works.”

Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs, the most important inspiration of the IT sector ever, once again reminded people how important function is. How your website works, what kind of services it provides to your customers are among the biggest design challenges. Dec.

It is important to have information about your company, products and services, but modern web design needs more than that! Organizing campaigns that offer a destination page, online store, blog, support, booking solutions that will allow you to communicate with your customers and potential customers is a sine qua non for designing a perfect website.

The design behind the scenes
Another important difficulty, apart from whether the website you are facing is good-looking, is a design in which nothing is visible. We have mentioned a few examples below that you should pay attention to:

Ensuring the security of your website is the key to keeping your visitors satisfied. Of course, this is extraordinary if you accept online payouts, but the risk of losing any customer information in the event of a website crash has a bad impact on your business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is about how your website ranks in Search Engines. Dec.10. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is about how your website ranks in Search Engines. Dec. 10. If this ranking is

1) User experience and navigation

2)Which types of keywords your content is associated with

3)The quality of your content

4)Technical optimization

5)The Authority of your site depends on adding external links to your content.

Analysis and reporting is a great tool that can be used to understand the visitors to your website. In order to achieve this, you need to add code in small pieces to different parts of your website depending on what you want to measure and monitor.

Trends change like seasons, too. History repeats itself, but there is one thing we are sure of, and that is that everything has changed again and again.It is difficult to make definite comments about the future, but there has been a big change in the field of web design in the last few years, but compared to the change that will take place in the next few years, it seems that this change is smaller.

The pace of change is increasing, so if you want to be a part of the future, start preparing today!

A Huge Media Can Produce a Solution.
Garanti Media can help you with everything you need about digital marketing. We can take over the management of the website, digital marketing or all other complex technical details for you, which will allow you to generate more revenue over the Internet. This way, you can also focus on the main activities of your company.

We offer an online marketing service in which we undertake the execution of website and e-mail marketing as well as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM) and all other digital marketing activities. Dec.10.Dec.10.dec.10.dec.10. dec.10. dec.10. dec. 10. dec. 10. dec. 10. dec. 10. dec.

If you have any questions, please contact us! Between working hours (9:00 Dec – 18:00), +90 542 425 82 80 you can contact us by our phone number or you can send your questions to us directly by sending an e-mail to the address; or if you have any questions, please contact us using the form in the “contact” section of our Website with your contact information!…

Modern Web Design