7 Ways to Improve Your Website
Your website is and should be the focus of all Digital Marketing. There are quite big diff...
Sisa Kule No: 29/257 Çayyolu/Ankara
Stages of Filming
An Ankara film is prepared within a certain process. Ankara Feature film shooting is an intensive process. That's why we have to be careful at every stage during the shooting of a feature film, we have to go through the whole process efficiently.
In the classical sense, an Ankara feature film shoot can be prepared by going through certain stages:
Project Design and Scenario Stage
Finding an Ankara Film Idea
Preparation of Ankara Synopsis
Determination of the Target Audience and Sunday in Ankara
Planning of the Marketing Process
Creation of the Project and Presentation Work
Ankara Treatment
Completion of Ankara Script Writing
The Pre-Production Stage (Pre-Production)
Ankara Team Setup
Ankara Equipment Selection
Ankara Venue- Permit Arrangements
Ankara Casting Stage
Creation of Ankara Teaser
Editing of Ankara Film Soundtracks
Reading and Ankara Scenario Analysis Stage
Ankara Character Analysis Stage
Ankara Stage Casts
Preparation of the Program
Preparation of the Ankara Art– Ankara Accessories List
The Shooting Stage and the Teams
Shooting the Film According to the Prepared Program
Ankara Production Team
Ankara Producer
Ankara Practical Producer
Ankara Construction Supervisor
Ankara Production Assistants
Ankara Venue Manager
Ankara Runner
Ankara Regional Team
Ankara Director
Ankara Assistant Director
Ankara Assistant Directors
Ankara Continuity Assistant
Ankara Time- Code Assistant
Ankara Camera Team
Ankara Director of Photography
Ankara Cinematographer Assistants
Ankara Camera Assistant
Ankara Focus Puller
Ankara Transfer Assistant
Ankara Sound Team
Ankara Mixer Operator
Ankara Boom Operator
Ankara Light Team
Ankara Light Chief
Ankara Light Chief Assistants
Ankara Best Boy (Ankara Assistant Chef)
Ankara Light Assistant
Ankara Art Team
Ankara Art Director
Ankara Art Director Assistants
Ankara Costume Team
Ankara Makeup and Ankara Effects Team
Ankara Set Team
Ankara Catering Team
Ankara Shuttle, Ankara Actor Caravan, Ankara Costume, Ankara Generator, Ankara Işık, Ankara Camera Vehicles (Ankara Transportation– Ankara Transportation)
Assembly and Mixing Stage (Post-Production)
Editing of Ankara Film Raw Material
Preparation of Ankara Film Music
Ankara Rough Assembly Work
Ankara Color Editing
Ankara Sound - Ankara Mixing Settings
Editing of Ankara Film Output for the Desired Ankara Platform
Making the Film Final
If you have any questions, please contact us! Between working hours (9:00 Dec – 18:00), +90 542 425 82 80 you can contact us by our phone number or info@devasamedia.com you can send your questions to us directly by sending an e-mail to the address; or if you have any questions, please contact us using the form in the “contact” section of our Website with your contact information!…
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